It has been a long time but today is update day! There is an account of my wonderful birthday below. But to start off with:
After many requests for photos of Fabrizio, our new beautiful hat-and-coat stand, voilĂ :

Anyway, I didn't really know what to expect of my first birthday celebration in Milano. I've met a lot of people since I started living here, but not that many people I'd celebrate my birthday with. Additionally, I felt a bit strange because we had some visitors I didn't know very well. Stephie and Henning are twoGermann friends of Olaf's who I had only met once - and very briefly at that - in Groningen. As a result, I had decided not to celebrate my birthday that weekend, but to postpone it to a weekend when we wouldn't have any guests. Stephie and Henning turned out to be very lovely people, of course (and how could they not have been - being friends of Olaf's), and we had loads of fun. They are an incredibly sweet couple (see pictures). We did the Milano tour (Castello, Brera, Cimitero Monumentale, Duomo, High-Tech), took a lot of pictures and drank fair amounts of booze. We also discovered that the view from the roof of the Duomo is amazing at sunset...
The night before my birthday we went out for aperitivo with several study mates of Olaf's and when they (especially the girls) found out the next day would be my birthday, they decided we absolutely had to party that night. And this accidental birthday party was very, very lovely. I called my friends Belinda and Enrico and we started out with a couple of glasses of champagne at our place. Unfortunately, Nina and Antonio couldn't make it, because Anto has recently broken his leg playing football and isn't really able to move around a lot yet. However, we met up with Olaf's friend at Le Trottoir, the same place I went to after the last teacher meeting, and danced the night away while drinking some very tasty cocktails. It felt amazing, as if I was back in Dio and could do anything. I didn't hold anything back but partied like one should on one's birthday. When I recall all the steamingly hot sexy moves (male/female, male/male, male/female/male etc.) we showed the Italians present, it's a wonder they didn't throw us out...
However, as pictures speak louder than words...
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