Only two more days and Christmas will be here! Isn't it great?! It's going to be a perfect Christmas and we'll have a wonderful Christmas time!

Aren't they cute together?
Yeah, baby!
This is the way dykes drink beer!
Of course, we also went to see the Duomo, the Castello and Cimitero Monumentale. We had lunch at Corso Como and spent hours inside High-Tech - without buying anything! And of course we admired the photo exhibition in Via Dante. This really is an amazing exhibition - and it's totally free. It's called 'Italia - Emozioni dal Cielo' and features pictures of the most beautiful places in Italy, taken from the sky. I love this exhibition and I've spent many an hour there. Unfortunately, it's only going to be there until the end of the year, so what am I going to do with my free time then???
We had some lovely dinners and played some great games of Cafe International until very late at night, because it is just too addictive to stop!!! They left again on Tuesday because Marieke would get her university diploma that evening and would start her new job on Wednesday. Congratulations, Marieke, and good luck! Welcome to your professional life! As the lovely girls are also moving in together next month, I got them a poster of their favourite picture of the exhibition which will just look gorgeous in their new flat, I'm sure!
And anyway, Christmas break has started, work is over and done with, the shopping and groceries are pretty much done and Olaf is preparing himself for a couple days of work in the kitchen for our lovely 9 and 10 course Christmas dinners. I'm really looking forward to the arrival of my mother and her boyfriend on St. Steven's Day/Boxing Day/Second Christmas Day (whatever you want to call it), because I haven't seen them in a while and I'm certain we're going to have such a lovely time - and there's just something wrong with spending Christmas away from your family. Baby, it's cold outside, so I'm planning on staying in a lot, cuddling up on the sofa and watching some films. Santa Clause is coming to town and I'd really like to see Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, although I'm kind of hoping for a White Christmas to welcome the perfect year, so Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!. I'm pretty sure we're going to be rocking around the Christmas tree, so come all ye faithful so we won't be lonely this Christmas! Run, Rudolph, run and bring the little Saint Nick to make this a Christmas to remember. We're going to put Frosty the Snowman (who we call Margaret) outside and wait for Father Christmas together. Olaf, spending Christmas with you really is my only wish this year. All I want for Christmas is you! So, Santa baby, hurry down the chimney tomorrow night!
Okay, so maybe I have been listening to too many Christmas songs, but that really isn't my fault. That's just what Christmas means to me! *Shit, this really is a nasty habit to break* So before you get too annoyed with this post, I'm just going to end this post now. We wish you a merry Christmas! *damn, I did it again!*
Ciao, Fe
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