Saturday, February 17, 2007

"My second favorite household chore is ironing. My first being hitting my head on the top bunk bed until I faint." Erma Bombeck

Please, could someone get this woman a maid? It's a very recognisable quote for housewives though... Thank God I'm not one of them!

Ciao tutti,
Today, I had a little shocking experience. When I arrived at the Corriere della Sera this afternoon to teach a lesson, everyone in the office was crying when I walked in. My student was a bit late and didn't know what was going on. When he asked his colleagues, it turned out one of their dear colleagues had suddenly died and that they had heard just a couple of minutes ago. As my student started to cry as well, I told him I was sorry for his loss and that I wouldn't bother him with a lesson today. But as I left a strange shiver started crawling up my spine. Just a couple of hours before this lesson I had had a lesson with one of his colleagues who was home sick. She didn't seem that ill this morning but she wasn't completely healthy either and seemed to be hurting. It has made me wonder what if... It's probably not the same person but I just don't trust the situation. I hope to find out soon.

On to happier topics. Last weekend was lovely. We didn't have any visitors and therefore had some time to catch up with some local friends. On Friday night I met up with Nina for our long-postponed Dirty Dancing night. The plan was to watch Dirty Dancing and to catch up while listening to the movie soundtrack. As we have both been enormous fans of this movie since our respective childhoods, we decided a long time ago to organise an evening like this. And then we postponed it, and postponed it again, and postponed it some more until we almost forgot we were going to do this. Fortunately Bastiaan and Anne's visit two weeks ago reminded us of our design and we decided to 'grab the cow by the horns', as the Dutch would say, and plan it for last Friday. The evening was everything it promised to be and we enjoyed ourselves immensely watching the movie, commenting on it, laughing about its stupidity, making silly romantic sounds to the appropriate scenes and listening to the music and catching up of course. When I had just finished taking Nina to her tram, Olaf called me and we had some lovely vini with some of his study mates.

On the Thursday before that it had been time for another teacher meeting - the wonderful euphemism Corporate English uses for a short - though effective and useful - meeting of all teachers in order to give us some relevant management information and exchange some teaching tips followed by a bacchanal of voracious feeding and drinking at the expense of the school. As I had to work for CTL until 8 o'clock, I obviously couldn't go to the meeting but that didn't stop them from inviting me to the feeding and drinking part anyway. The food was good, the wine was even better and the cocktails to top it off were just a bit too alcoholic. Fortunately, my morning lessons on Friday had been cancelled so I didn't look as weary and sleep-depraved as some other people I met at school Friday afternoon. It was a good chance for me to meet our new teachers (as the school is doing really well, we have recently hired a lot of new teachers who I hadn't or had only briefly met before) and fortunately they invited Belinda as well, even though she is leaving the school.

After doing the necessary groceries on Saturday we met Belinda and Enrico for aperitivo at Más, a gorgeous Spanish restaurant nearby. This is a really popular restaurant so we wanted to get there early to be able to get a table. Unfortunately, Belinda and Enrico were not only half an hour late but they also brought more people than they had told us they would - so we were ready to leave again as we were sure we would never get a table now. But then, by a sudden stroke of luck, the staff informed us they had a table for us and we ended up spending a lovely evening after all. After three Más Specials *hips* which are *hips* mega-sized cocktails when two regular cocktails *hipships* are usually enough to *hipshipships* send me flying, it was really time for bed and I *hips* went home a little *hips* tipsy. It was a great night...

To finish this post, this is one things I just can't pass on the opportunity of showing you. It's hilarious. You've got to sing it to the tune of "I will survive". Who knew this gay classic could be revived in this original way?!?!

At first I was afraid, I was petrified.
When you said you had 10 inches, Lord I almost died!
But I'd spent so many years just waiting for a man that long, That I
grew strong, And I knew that I could take you on...
But there you are, another lie,
I was ready for a Big Mac and you've brought me a French Fry!
I should have known that it was bulls***t, just a sad pathetic dream
Should have known there was no Anaconda lurking in those jeans!

Go on now - go,! Walk out the door,
Don't you promise me 10 inches, then turn up with only 4!
Weren't you a brat to think I wouldn't find you out!?
Don't you know we're only joking when we say size don't count??!!

I will survive! I will survive!
Cuz as long as I have batteries,
My sex life's gonna thrive!
I will always have good sex,
with a handful of latex!
I will survive! I will survive! Hey! Hey!

It took all my self control not to laugh out loud, When I saw your
little weiner standing tall and proud!
But to hell with your ego and to hell with all your needs, Now I'm
saving all my lovin' for a cordless multispeed!

I will survive! I will survive!
Cuz as long as I have batteries,
My sex life's gonna thrive!
I will always have good sex,
With a handful of latex!
I will survive! I will survive! Hey! Hey!

;-) Ciao, Fe

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