Monday, June 11, 2007

Uffa nien!

Ciao tutti,
You must be thinking that you must be dreaming to hear from me again, but it's true! I'm back but only for a short while. I don't have that much to say but came across some nice pictures on Facebook which I just have to show you! Scroll down for them.

Uffa nien sta weekend, this is Milanese dialect for 'I didn't do anything this weekend'. Olaf's friend Andrea was staying with us and while they were doing the tour I spent the greater part of the weekend on my own. I slept a lot, read in the park while getting a tan, did housework (being the little housewife that I am) and in the evenings we went out to La Padellacia and Mas. We had a lovely time discussing and grading the men we saw on the streets... And there were a lot of men as tourists have started to arrive in Milan and the terraces have opened so the nice ones can display themselves! It turns out that we have quite dissimilar tastes in men though...

Anyway, I promised you some pictures and here they are. Just to give you an impression of some of the people I've been mentioning but who I never had photos of until now:

Olaf, Andrea and me. Olaf thinks that I look really sexy in this picture, but I can only see my second chin...

Marta, Idil and me at Dominik's goodbye party
Me and Marta at Annaïg's birthday party
Bex, Emily and me (last teacher meeting Corporate English)
Nissrine and me (same night)
With Paola, my Italian teacher and - need I say - a babe!
Ciao, Fe
PS By the way, you need to see this. I found it on YouTube. It's a spoof of an American psychic called Miss Cleo. The voice you're hearing is hers...

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