Sunday, November 19, 2006

Latter days

I have now finally almost updated by weblog to the current date. So just one more quick post about last week and then you'll again know everything important that's happened to me the past month.

I'm getting a bit frustrated by my work, because they still haven't given me the amount of courses that I want. My reserves are running out and I want to start working full-time a.s.a.p. However, they keep promising me courses but then it turns out the client wants to change to the time and/or date which means I can't teach the course. This sucks, but it comes with the territory, I guess. My amount of courses is growing slowly but steadily, so I suppose I shouldn't complain. I'm just a bit sick of having to deliberate whether or not I really need to spend every single euro I spend (not that I've been doing it for that long, but I just hate doing it). Oh well, we'll see. It will be alright, but unfortunately not as fast as I want it to...

This weekend, Niels and Marielle, Olaf's brother and sister-in-law visited us and they left us again this morning. One of their main reasons for coming was relaxation, as they have been spending a lot of time on their lovely baby boy for the past year and were in need of a lot of rest, rest and rest. So we took things slowly, which was fine by us. We had some lovely dinners, saw some sights and got some good nights of sleep. We also had a lot of time to catch up. And, very importantly, they brought back my completely cured laptop! As they left quite early this morning, we had the whole day to ourselves and I've used today to answer a lot of emails and finally update my weblog. I'm very glad I got the chance to do this, because my blog is quite important to me as it is sort of a diary, a way to express my thoughts and an important way to communicate with all my friends and family far away. And, being the egomaniac that I am, I want you all to know what's going on in my life, even if you don't want to!

Next week, I'm going to be very, very alone. Olaf is going to Cordoba on Tuesday morning for a conference and winter school until Sunday. Also, my friend Belinda left for South Africa last Friday and she will be gone for a couple of weeks. Well, actually, I don't think I'm going to suffer that much but will enjoy my time watching the movies I can't convince Olaf to watch and spend time catching up with friends I haven't seen/talked to/emailed for a long time. And besides, my father is coming over for a visit this Friday and I've finally been able to reserve some ticket's for Leonardo da Vinci's famous fresco The Last Supper!

Have a nice Sunday evening, all of you, I hope to talk to you soon! We're going to a birthday aperitivo of one of Olaf's friends and hope to dazzle her with presents (as I'm pretty sure we will, since we were in charge of getting the presents for the whole group). After that, sweet dreams...

Ciao, Fe


Anonymous said...

Well darling, as you are "mierenneuking" about my typos, I will just point out a few of yours:
"so I suppose I should complain." (shouldn't)
"sick of having to deliberately seriously" (discuss)
"before spending every single euro" (spending a single euro).

But I love you anyway...
Ciao caro

Fedor said...

Thank you, darling. Where would I be without you! I love you too...

Anonymous said...

'Mierenneuking'... now that's an interesting bit of Dunglish, isn't it? ; )

Glad to see that despite typos and everything there's so much love in this little bit of cyberspace! (All right, that's the Greenpeace hippie in me talking!)

XXX, Marike

Anonymous said...

As I won't get any new updates on the Decline and Fall of the Sodan Empire, I want a new blog :)

X Marianne